Monday, August 22, 2011

First Day

.....of meetings

Agenda: opening chapel, break, announcements, lunch, middle school meeting....aka FULL DAY

as of 8:30 pm, I am completely exhausted....but I have to get my thought down before I forget

How can I use this years theme: the lei and connectiveness, in my curriculum?
also how to talk about APEC? ...that is going to take a little research.....I need to know more about Clean NRG.

how can I be more a part of the community...both the school, but MORE IMPORTANTLY the community in which I live (exactly how much longer will I be living in paradise?)

there is never too much community service!

the biggest thing, I think, I learned (or at least was reminded of) that it is not the curriculum that matters, but the interactions. Of course! I remember how much my own high school taught me.......and I don't really remember facts or items. It is my TEACHERS or the lessons that they taught me. Perfect lesson for the moment, as I WAS worrying about curriculum.

today's thought - I remember how embarrassed I was, when Ms. Herrick caught me looking at Sun Sun's geography paper - even though I WAS just checking to see if she wrote the same thing. I knew I was right and wouldn't have changed my answer (would I?).....but I don't think she said my name out loud (I did blush)....she said "Keep your eyes on your own paper"....Did I ever do that again? NOOOOOOOO.......I do the same thing with my class and I occasionally see the same blush. If I do catching cheating, I always give students an option to come clean.

Some day - I will write that book about them....I want to thank them

that is all for today :-)

new beginnings

Ok, so it is a time for new beginning....a time to let go of the summer.....change perspectives......whatever

Back to school tomorrow.

Just meetings, but I do have to wake up at 5:30 am. Kids arrive on Thursday.

Today, I spent most of the day, counting down the minutes. Both excited to start something new, and in a bad mood, because my life of leisure was going to change. It is now 9:15 pm and the original plan, had me, in bed and asleep 15 minutes ago.

Some thoughts going round my head:

#1 - yes, I am anal and organized in my random thoughts
I teach 8th grade, because it is an incredible emotional time. I remember 8th grade very well. You are up (Wow, KS likes me) and down (TP was born). I started to "like" school. I had favorite teachers, who challenged me (Wendy, or Ms. King in Ceramics, Mr. Dudney in science, Mr. Bussey in English, Mr. Bird (advisor) in Latin, Ms. Fernandez in Spanish, Ms. Sullivan in Math, and Mr. Chamberlain in Civics)

so, as a teacher, you grow incredibly close to the students......but they leave, and head to better things......many, like I would, don't look back.......this seems to work for me.

I still have connections to a handful of former students. Some have gone on to become teachers themselves. I had the honor of choosing DUKE because of my 6th grade teacher. This year, one of my students choose DUKE because of me, weird.

#2 am I ready for school? Back in June, I had all these plans to revamp my curriculum. While I did read a TON of books (24 to be exact), I didn't quite exactly do much planning.....good? bad? I don't know yet. I did learn some things that I want to add from my summer grad school class on arts integration. I have other good things filed away.

#3 plan for this blog. Since previous I have, I think, two posts (actually I started it because of a grad school class), my plan for this blog is to chronicle my 6th year. Ideally, I want to use for my evaluation of cycle 4. But not sure if that will work.....whatever, it will still be quite cathartic to write.

in the is time to get my butt off the couch and back in the on going from good/ok teacher to MASTER/effective teacher.