Wednesday, February 9, 2011

B day

B day used to be my nemesis. Last year it was chapel, long class, study hall, class, lunch, 2 long classes, and finally home. No time to breathe, no time for the bathroom. Usually, if you took a trip down the hallway in the mini break between the long after classes, you would see the four team teachers sitting amongst the chaos....heads down, trying to gather the strength for the last hour of the day. They say that classes all day means at least the day goes by fast. Does that matter when I feel like a mack truck hit me at the end of the day?

This year, not so bad. Chapel is always a chance for reflection (although my advisory host chapel next cycle and I am a little worried). Then "free time". This is in quotes because it is not really free, I spent time answering questions, going over test scores, etc with kids in study hall.

Classes today are all about the lab - it is funny how kids are during lab. Some are super serious, completing their work and diligently writing everything down in their journals. Other choose to be more social. Always a few have NO idea what they are doing. Since today was day 3 of lab testing, I mostly just watched.

Lunch of course was awesome. We are watching the Pacifier. Kids love Vin Diesel.

After school was the highlight. Since Track + Baseball has started, most head home at 3 pm. That leaves the quiet ones. Today, a quiet game of lab table ping pong. With four kids coming in to complete extra testing. It was bliss. I laughed. I answered thoughtful questions. I helped with calculations. I even got a chance to organize my bookshelf. Bliss!

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